Beekeeping References are available to download as a PDF click here
Beekeeping websites
Victorian Apiarists’ Association Inc.
Beekeepers code of conduct – Vic
All beekeepers are legally required to register their hives with the Agriculture Victoria – register here Beekeeping Registration Victoria
Agriculture Victoria Beekeepers resources Agriculture Victoria Honey Bees
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC)
Beekeeper clubs
Honey and Wax Recipes
There are plenty of good recipes using honey, but as a rule you can substitute cane sugar for honey in most recipes
My award winning Honey Ginger beer recipe is available to download here
Make your own Beeswax wraps
Get rid of single use plastic once and for all! No more plastic wrap once you have a few of these in the kitchen drawers. Free and easy to follow instructions are available to download here
Beekeeping Tips and reminders
Remember to always make sure your bees have access to water, it is best in a shallow pool with gravel or a “beach” like edge because bees drink off the rocks
Bees use about one litre per hive per day in hot weather – so make sure they have enough, and don’t forget it is a condition of your license to supply your bees with water.
Hive Management – Clean up sticky combs
In autumn, prior to the winter shut down, some beekeepers might be tempted to stand out their sticky combs for bees to clean up after their final extraction. Exposure of sticky combs to bees is an offence under the Livestock Disease Control Act, but apart from that it is poor management and shows little if no concern for your fellow beekeeper.
Exposure of sticky combs for clean up by robbing bees is certainly the easiest way to spread brood disease, and any cases of it detected should be reported to the apiary inspectors immediately.